TenaBrix® Polypropylene synthetic microfiber

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  5. TenaBrix® Polypropylene synthetic microfiber


TenaBrix® Polypropylene synthetic microfiber is a high-strength fiber made of 100% new polypropylene as the raw material. The fibers are extremely fine, single filaments. TenaBrix® polypropylene synthetic microfiber also known as polypropylene monofilament (mono) fiber, PP fiber, anti-cracking fiber, and concrete reinforcement fiber.

TenaBrix® Advantages

  • Reduced plastic shrinkage and cracks Increased Impact resistance
  • Improved Acid&Alkali Resistance Improved Freeze/Thaw Resistance
  • We can provide different lengths, sizes, and packaging according to customer requirements.

For more information, product TDS, COA, SDS, and free samples.

Please contact tenabrix@michemcn.com.

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